Mahasanti Books Collection
-Ayurveda,Siddha,Herbal, and Alternative Medicine
Newly Released Titles -
Ayurvedic Treatment of Common Diseases/Subhash Ranade, Sunanda Ranade,M.H. Paranjape, US$ 10
The Compendium of Ayurvedic Medicine : Principles and Practice : Being an English Translation of Cikitsasamgraha of Cakradatta/English Translation by a Board of Scholars, US$ 100
A Treatise on Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics and Therapies : Being an English Translation of Sarangadhara Samhita/ English Translation by a Board of Scholars, US$ 40
The Carak Samhita/ Text with Enlgish Translation/Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Vol. I, US$ 45
A Glossary of Ayurveda, Tibetan and Unani Medicines, US$ 40.00
Encyclopaedia of Tibetan Medicine/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,, Vol. VI, US$ 40.00
The Panchakarma Treatment of Ayurveda/ Dr. T.L. Devaraja, US$35.00
The Complete Herbal with Illustrations/ Nicolas Culpeper, US$ 80.00
Astanga-Hrdya of Vagbhata : The Book of Eight Branches of Ayurveda/ Text and English Translation by A Board of Scholars, 3 Vols. , US$ 200.00 (Set)
Vagbhata's Astanga-Samgraha : The Compendium of Eight Branches of Ayurveda/ Text and English Translation by A Board of Scholars, 3 Vols., US$ 200.00 S(Set)
The Ayurvedic System of Medicine ( Second Revised Editions) Kaviraja Nagendranath Sengupta, 2 Vols., US$ 167.00 (Set)
The Wealth of Indian Alchemy & Its Medicinal Uses (Second Revised Edition)/ B. Mukherji, 2 Vols., US$ 67.00 (Set)
Ayurvedic Clinical Medicine/ A. Vinaya Kumar / US$ 30.00
A Comparative Study of Ayurveda and Treatment by Indian Drugs / P.K.Chitale / US$ 23.33
Herbal IndianPerfumes and Cosmetics/Vaidya Asha Ram / US$13.33
The Science of Pulse Examination in Ayurveda/Vaidya G.P.Upadhyay / US$15.00
A Manual of Family Medicine and Hygiene for India/ W. Moore / US$. 23.33
Astanga Sangraha-Nidana Sthana/ Ed. Ramachandrasastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 20.00
Astanga Sangraha-Sarira Sthana/ Ed. Ramacandrasastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 20.00
Astanga Sangraha-Sutra Sthana/ Ed. Ramacandrasastri Kinjavadekara and New Introduction in English by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 20.00
Ayurveda of Hindu System of Medical Science / US$. 6.67
Ayurvedic Narcotic Medicinal Plants/ Dr. C.R. Karnick / US$. 26.67
Child Health Care in Ayurveda/ Abhimanyu Kumar / US$. 23.33
Clinical Application, of Ayurvedic Remedies and a list of Ayurvedic Preparations/ Panel of Vaidyas / US$. 10.00
Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India/ G. Orta / US$. 33.33
Encyclopaedia of Tibetan Medicine/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 40.00
Encyclopeadia of Domestic Medicine with Domestic Materia Medica/ Thomas J. Graham 2 Vols. / US$. 80.00
Gyanendra Enumertio Plantemedica/ Sumitra Pandey / US$. 10.00
Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine/ Hakim Mohammed Said / 1997 / US$. 133.33
Healing and Treatment of Diseases Through Water/ Sebastian Kneipp / US$. 20.00
Health Care of Temperaments and Constitutional Defects/ R. Narain / US$. 16.67
Hindu Anatomy, Physiology, Therapeutics, History of Medicine and Practice of Physics/ K.R.L. Gupta / US$. 10.00
Hindu Practice of Medicine/ K.R.L. Gupta / US$. 10.00
Indian Therapeutics-Dealing With the Comparative Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Materia Medica, Dietetics, Prescriptions etc./ D.B. Sandu / US$. 10.00
Madhava Nidana/ Trans. K.R.L. Gupta / US$. 10.00
Materia Medica of Tibetan Medicine/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 80.00
Medicinal Flowers or Puspayurveda/ Gyanendra Pandey / US$. 10.00
Medicinal Plants of Himalayas, Vol. I/ Gyanendra Pandey / US$. 33.33
Naturopathy-The Art of Drugless Healing/ V.M. Kulkarni / US$. 13.33
Pharmacology of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants/ Dr. C.R. Karnick / US$. 8.00
Pharmacopoeia of Tibetan Medicine/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / US$. 26.67
Pharmacopoeia Standards of Herbal Plants/ C.R. Karnick, 2 Vols. / US$. 46.67
Positive Health in Tibetan Medicine-Vaidya-Jiva-Sutra/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash & Ven. Doboom Tulku / US$. 10.00
Principles of Ayurvedic Therapeutics-Sources for Ayurvedic Practitioners and Students Series/ A. Vinaya Kumar / US$. 26.67
Science of Sphygmica/ K.R.L. Gupta / US$. 8.67
Some Lesser Known Herbal Drugs in Ayurveda/ Dr. Gyanendra Pandey / US$. 15.00
Studies of Genetic-Complex of Ayurvedic Plants/ Dr. C.R. Karnick / US$. 8.00
The Caraka Samhita-English Translation/ A.C. Kaviratna, P. Sharma Vol. I-V / US$. 40.00(Per Vol.)
Tibetan Medicine-Theory & Practice/ Vaidya Bhagwan Dash / 1997 / US$. 15.00
Uncommon Plants Drugs of Ayurveda/ Gyanendra Pandey / US$. 26.67
Vriksayurveda/ Tr. N.N. Sarkar, Roma Sircar / US$. 26.67