Books on Traditional Systems of Medicines
"Treat-Yourself" Methods for Laymen/Dr. Edward Bach US$ 20.00
A Complete Handbook of nature Cure/H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
A Guide to Herbal Remedies/Mark Evans US$ 20.00
A Handbook of Natural Beauty/Dr. H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
Abundance through Reiki/Paula Horan US$ 20.00
Acupressure Cure for Common Diseases/Dr. Keith Kenyon US$ 20.00
AIDS in the World/Jonathan Mann, Daniel J.M. Tarantola and Thomas W. Netter US$ 40.00
An Agenda for Caring/Harish Mander and Vidya Rao US$ 22.50
Ancient Indian Massage/Harish Johari US$ 25.00
Aromatherapy/Julie Sadler US$ 20.00
Ayurveda and Panchakarma/Sunil Joshi US$ 25.00
Ayurveda Revisited/Dhanukar and Thatte US$ 20.00
Ayurveda Unravelled/Sharadini Dahanukar and Urmila Thatte US$ 20.00
Ayurveda:The Science of Self-Healing/Vasant Lad US$ 20.00
Ayurvedic Beauty Care/Melanie Sachs US$ 20.00
Ayurvedic Cure for Common Diseases/Dr. N.A. Murthy and D.P. Pandey US$ 20.00
Ayurvedic Remedies/Dr. Bhagwan Dash US$ 20.00
Better Eye Sight without Glasses/W.H. Bates US$ 20.00
Beyond Illness/Swatija Manorama and Chayanika Shah US$ 20.00
Care of the Eyes/Dr. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Children and AIDS/Aids Networking and Information Centre US$ 20.00
Destination Unknown/Damodar Tilak US$ 20.00
Disabled Village Children/Voluntary Health Association of India US$ 40.00
Dos and Donts of Medicine/Consumers Association of Penang US$ 20.00
Drug Supply and Use/Anant Phadke US$ 20.00
Drugs Used in Tribal Medicine in Kerala/Dr. K. Madhavankutty US$ 20.00
Efficacy of Fasting/Drs. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala, Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Empowerment through Reiki/Paula Horan US$ 20.00
Foods that Heal:The Natural Way to Good Health/H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
Good Food and Nutrition US$ 20.00
Health Care in India/George Joseph, John Desrochers and Mariamma Kalathil US$ 20.00
Health in Your Hands:Acupressure and other Natural Therapies/Devendra Vora US$ 20.00
Health through Balance/Dr. Yeshi Donden US$ 20.00
Heart Care US$ 20.00
Heart Disease:A New Direction/Ramesh I. Kapadia US$ 20.00
Herbal Indian Perfumes and Cosmetics/Vaidya Asha Ram US$ 20.00
Herbs that Heal:The Natural Remedikes for Good Health/H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
HIV & AIDS in India-A Family Guide/Clive Wing & Shankar Chowdhury US$ 20.00
Holistic Medicine/Dr. K. Madhavan Kutty US$ 20.00
Homeopathic Cure for Common Diseases/Dr. Yudhvir Singh US$ 20.00
Juice-Diet for Perfect Health/Drs. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Know your Body from within/Pushpa Advani US$ 20.00
Landmarks in the Development of Health Services in the Countries of South Asia/Debabar Banerji US$ 20.00
Listening to Sounds and Signs/Ed. By Prabhakar Immanuel, Claudia Koening and Sian Tesni US$ 25.00
Magnet Therapy/Drs. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Magnetic Cure for Common Diseases/Bansal and Bansal US$ 20.00
Malaria Control/VHAI US$ 20.00
Medicinal Plants Source Book:India/by International Library Association US$ 79.50
Medicinal Plants/S.K. Jain US$ 20.00
Mental Health in India/Ed. By Purnima Mane and Katy Y. Gandevia US$ 20.00
Mental Health in Traditional Medicine/Vaidya Vilas M. Nanal US$ 20.00
Natural Healing through Ayurveda/Dr. Subash Ranade US$ 20.00
Natural Home Remedies-for Common Ailments/H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
Nature Cure and Yoga Therapy/Dr. Leo Rebello US$ 20.00
Nature Cure for Childrens Diseases/Dr. H.K. Bakhru US$ 20.00
Nature Cure for Common Diseases/Drs. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Nature cure for Common Diseases/Vithaldas Modi US$ 20.00
Nature Cure/M.K. Gandhi US$ 20.00
Office Yoga/Julie Friedeberger US$ 20.00
Opthalmology in Traditional Medicine/K.M. Shyam Sundar US$ 20.00
Prakruti:An Ayurvedic Guide to Health/K.M. Shyam Sundar & A.V. Balasubramaniam US$ 20.00
Pregnancy, Parenthood & Yoga/Hansa Jayadeva Yogendra and Armaiti N. Desai US$ 20.00
Rainbow Reiki/Walter Lubeck US$ 20.00
Rakkus Story/Sheila Zurbrigg US$ 20.00
Reaching Health for all/Ed. By Jon Rohde, Meera Chatterjee and David Morley US$ 20.00
Reiki Fire/Frank Arjava Petter US$ 20.00
Reiki/Martin Nazareth US$ 20.00
Revenge of the Killer Germs US$ 20.00
Rtucarya:Adaptation to the Seasons/Vaidya Ramesh M. Nanal US$ 20.00
Social Work with Mentally Disabled Children and their Parents/Lata Shetty US$ 20.00
Some Common Ailments/Anil Aggarwal US$ 20.00
Speaking of Nature Cure/K. Lakshmana Sarma & S. Swaminathan US$ 20.00
Surya Cikitsa/Dr. Mohan Lal Kathotia US$ 20.00
Surya Namaskars/Apa Pant US$ 20.00
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses/Dr. David Frawley US$ 20.00
Technique of Nerve Manipulation/Shivathal Patel US$ 20.00
Text-Book of Alternative Medicines US$ 20.00
The Ayurvedic Cookbook:A Personalized Guide to Good Food and Health /Amadea Moringstar and Urmila Desai US$ 22.40
The Complete Reiki Handbook/Walter Lobeck US$ 20.00
The Golden Fountain-The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy/Coen Van Der Droan US$ 20.00
The Healing Power of Garlic/Paul Bergner US$ 20.00
The Joy of Reiki/Nalin Nirula and Renoo Nirula US$ 20.00
The Penguin India Guide to Child Care/Dr. R.K. Anand US$ 29.50
The Walking Diet/Les Snowdon and Maggie Humphreys US$ 20.00
The Yoga of Herbs:An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicines/David Frawley and Vasant Lad US$ 20.00
Therapeutic Use of Gems and Precious Stones/Dr. V. Krishnamurthy US$ 20.00
Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry/Terry Clifford US$ 22.50
Tibetan Medicine:Theory and Practice/Vaidya Bhagwan Dash US$ 22.50
Treatment for Poisons in Traditional Medicine/K.M. Shyam Sundar US$ 20.00
Tribal Medicine/Marie DSouza US$ 20.00
Vegetable Juice Therapy:How to get Relief from Drug Addiction and other Maladies/N.N. Saha US$ 20.00
Vision Training Programme/Drs. D.R. Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala US$ 20.00
Water Healing/K.L. Sharma US$ 20.00
Where there is no Doctor/David Werner US$ 20.00
Wonders of Uropathy-Urine Therapy as a Universal Cure/Dr. G.K. Thakkar US$ 20.00
Yoga US$ 20.00
Yoga Asanas Simplified US$ 20.00
Yoga for Children/International Board of Yoga US$ 20.00
Yoga for Rejuvination:Revitalising Techniques of the Yogis/Nergis Dalal US$ 20.00
Yoga for the Cure of Common Diseases/Lakshmi Narayan Sharma US$ 20.00
Yoga in Daily Life/Dr. K.S. Joshi US$ 20.00
Yoga Physical Education for Women/Sitadevi Yogendra US$ 20.00
Yoga Therapy in Asthma, Diabetes and Heart Diseases US$ 20.00
Yogic Cure for Common Diseases/Dr. Phulgenda Sinha US$ 20.00
Yogic Life for Control of Diabetes US$ 20.00
Yogic Life-A Cure for Asthma and Brochitis US$ 20.00
Yogic Pranayama/Dr. K.S. Joshi US$ 20.00