Mahasanti Books Collection -
Religions and Philosophy :  Buddhism



Life and Teachings of Sri Ma Anandamayi / Bithika Mukerji, US$ 27.00

Divine Messengers of Our Time/ Susunaga Weeraperuma, US$ 17.00

A Comparative Survey of Hindu, Christian and Jewish Mysticism/ E.W. Abhraham / US$. 20.00

A Critique of Sabda: Based on Visvanatha's Bhasapariccheda/ Ashok Kumar Goswami / US$. 20.00

A Glossary of Tantra, Mantra and Yantra / US$. 8.33

A Reconstruction of the Third School of Purvamimamsa/ Ujjvala Panse / US$. 20.00

A Sanskrit Primer/ E.D. Perry / US$. 6.00

A Universal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies and Customs of the Whole World/ W. Hurd, 2 Vols. / US$. 133.33

Advaitamoda: A Study of Advaita & Visistadvaita/ Tr. & Comm. in English By Michael Comans / US$. 26.67

Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudan Saraswati/ Trans. Ganganath Jha / US$. 16.67

Advaitasiddhi-A Critical Study/ K. Maheswaran Nair / US$. 14.67

*After Patriarchy-Feminist Transformation of the World Religions/ Paula M. Cooey. William R. Eakrin, Jay B. McDaniel / US$. 15.00

Akshara: The Forgotten Chapter in the History of Indian Philosophy/ P.M. Modi / US$. 10.00

An Advaita Vedanta Perspective on Language/John Grimes/ US$ 15.00

An Analysis of Dream in Indian Philosophy/ Satyajit Layek / US$. 11.67

An Encyclopaedia of Jainism/ Ed. P.C. Nahar & K.C. Ghosh / US$. 33.33

An Encyclopaedia of World Architecture/ Joseph Gwilt Revised by Wyatt Papworth (2 Vols.) / US$. 46.67

*Antal & Her Poems-Poems of a Woman Saint from South India/ Vidya Dehejia / US$. 10.00

Approaches of Personhood in Indian Thought/Ian Kesarcodi Watson/ US$ 20.00

*Asia - masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective - A Guide for Teaching/ Ed. Barbara Stoler Miller / US$. 33.33

Asvalyana Grihyasutra with the comm. of Hardattacharya/ Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri / US$. 0.00

*Authority, Anxiety and Canon/ Laurie L. Patton / US$. 26.00

Ayurveda Materia Medica/ H.V. Savnur / US$. 13.33

Bengali Religious Lyrics-Sakta/ Trans. Edward J. Thompson & Arthur Marshman Spencer / US$. 6.67

Between Jerusalem and Benares/ Hamamya Goodman / 1997 US$. 33.33

Beyond the Mind/ David Frawley / US$. 8.00

Bhasa Bodhini-A Sanskrit Primer/ Malaya Gangopadhyay / US$. 10.00

Bhattadipika/ Critically Ed. by S. Subrahmanyam Sastri 2nd corrected Ed., 6 Vols. / US$. 100.00

Brahmasiddhi of Acharya Mandana Misra with Comm. Sankhapani/ Ed. with an Introduction by Kuppuswami Sastri / US$. 40.00

*Case Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching/ Ed. Myron L. Cohen / US$. 33.33

Christianity in Indian Dance Forms/ F. Barboza / US$. 20.00

Conversational English-Hindi Dictionary/ Anil Gupta / US$. 13.33

Conversational English-Nepali Dictionary/ Anil Gupta / US$. 10.00

Creative Peace Through Encounter of World Cultures/ Ed. Heinrich Beck & Gisela Schmirber / US$. 36.67

Deliver Me, My Lord-Manavalamamuni's Atriprabandham/ Anand Amaladass / US$. 6.67

*Derrida and Indian Philosophy/ Harold Coward / US$. 10.00

Devadharma-Studies in memory of Dr. D.C. Sircar/ Ed. Gouriswar Bhattacharya / US$. 100.00

Dharmasastra and Social Awareness/ Ed. V.N. Jha / US$. 30.00

Dharmasindhu/ Kashinath Upadhyaya with an English Introduction by Ludo Rocher / US$. 20.00

Dhaturupakosa/ D.N. Gandhi / US$. 20.00

Dhavanyaloka Concordance/ Anand Amaldass / US$. 26.67

Dravidic Studies/ C.P. Vankatarama Ayyar, K.V. Subbaya & S. Aavaratavinaya Pillai / US$. 6.67

Early Inscriptions/ Ed. Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri / US$. 40.00

*Ecological Prospects/ Christopher K. Chapple / US$. 20.00

Education in Ancient India/ S.M. Rakhe / US$. 10.67

*Emotion in Asian Thought/ Joel marks and Roger T. Ames / 1997 US$. 30.00

*Encountering the Goddess-Translation of the Devi Mahatmya and its Interpretation/ Thomas B. Coburn / US$. 13.33

*Enlightenment East & West/ Leonard Angel / US$. 30.00

Epigraphical Glossary in Three Sections/ / US$. 40.00

Ethics/ R. Leela Devi / US$. 10.00

Feminine Multiplicity-A Study of Groups of Multiple Goddesses in India/ Yoshinori Onishi / US$. 16.67

Ganapati-Song of the Self/ John A. Grimes / US$. 23.00

Gangesa on Yogarudhi/ Subas Chander Dash / US$. 13.33

Glimpses of Ancient India Poetics/ V.N. Jha / US$. 13.33

Glimpses of Hindu Astrology and Some Aspects of Indology/ S.R.N. Murthy / US$. 20.00

*Hindu Ethics-Purity, Abortion and Euthanasia/ Harold G. Coward / US$. 10.00

*Human Being in Depth/ Swami Ranganathananda / US$. 11.67

Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints/ F. Kingsbury and G.P. Philips / US$. 6.67

*Induction, Probability and Skepticism/ D.P. Chattopadhyaya / US$. 20.00

Inscriptions of Achyutaraya's Time/ Assisted by G.A. Narayan Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya / US$. 40.00

Inscriptions of Krishnaraya's Time/ Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya / US$. 40.00

Inscriptions of Sadasivaraya's Time/ Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya / US$. 40.00

Inscriptions of Saluva Narasimha's Time/ Ed. Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri and B. Vijayaraghavacharya / US$. 40.00

Inscriptions of Venkatapatiraya's Time, Part-I/ Ed. V. Vijayaraghavacharya / US$. 40.00

Invariable Concomitance in Navya-Nyaya/ Toshihiro Wada / US$. 30.00

Jaina Logic & Epistemology/ Ed. V.N. Jha / US$. 0.00

Jainism as Meta-Philosophy/ S. Gopalan / US$. 4.00

*Jung and Eastern Thought/ Harold Coward / US$. 13.33

*Kabir Legends and Ananta-Das's Kabir Parachai/ David Lorenzen / US$. 13.33

Kabir and his followers/ F.E. Keay / US$. 0.00

Kanada's Doctrine of the Padarthas/ Veena S. Gajendragadkar / US$. 13.33

Karikavali/ John Vattanky / 1997 US$. 0.00

*Karma and Rebirth/ Ronald W. Neufeldt / US$. 29.00

*Kashmir Shaivism-The Secret Supreme/ Swami Lakshman Jee / US$. 8.00

Katyayana Mata-Sangraha/ N.C. Bandopadhaya / US$. 6.67

Knowledge of Action/ R.I. Ingalalli / US$. 6.00

Ksemendra: The Eleventh Century Poet-A Study of his life and work/ Uma Chakraborty / US$. 16.67

Kumarila Bhatta's Tantra Varttika-A Comm. on the Sabara's Bhasya on the Purva Mimamsa Sutra of Jaimini/ Ganganath Jha / In Press US$. 0.00

Laghiyastraya/ Pt. Mahendra Kumar Nyayacharya, 2 Vols. / US$. 0.00

Logic of Knowledge Base-A Nyaya Reader for Designing Computational Lexicon/ K.C. Dash / US$. 10.00

Lokayata-A Critical Study/ Shubhada A. Joshi / US$. 25.00

Makarand-Professor James C. Harle Felicitation Volume/Ed. Claudine Bautze-Picron / US$. 200.00

Mantramahodadhi of Mahidhara with the Author's comm. Nauka/ Ed. with a Critical Introduction in English by a Board of Scholar. Preface by J.W. de Jong. / US$. 33.33

Mantramahodadhi with the Commentary Nauka/ Translated into English by a Board of Scholars / US$. 33.33

Mathematics as known to the Vedic Samhitas/ M.D. Pandit / US$. 15.00

Meaning and Knowledge- An Interpretation of Indian and contemporary Epistemological concepts/ R.I. Ingalalli / US$. 16.67

Memory in Indian Epistemology/ S.V. Bhandare / US$. 12.00

Mimamsa Theory of Meaning/ R.N. Sarma / US$. 6.67

Mimamsa-The Ancient Indian Science of Sentence Interpretation/ G.V. Devasthali / US$. 13.33

Mimamsakosah/ Kevalananda Saraswati, 7 Vols. / US$. 466.67

*Modern Indian Interpreters of Bhagvadgita/ Robert Minor / US$. 18.00

*Modern Indian Response to Religious Pluralism/ Harold G. Coward / US$. 18.67

Mysticism in the Indian Tradition/ Noel Boreham / US$. 4.00

Nadagama-The First Sri Lankan Theatre/ M.H. Goonatilleka / US$. 20.00

Naganadam of Sri Harsha/ Tr. V. Leela Devi, US$ 8.00

Nagesa and the Mahabhasya/ K.S. Meanambal / US$. 16.67

Nalinikanta-Shatavarshiki-Dr. N.K. Bhattasali Centenary Volume (1888-) / Eds. Debala Mitra & Gouriswar Bhattacharya / US$. 200.00

New Essays in the Philosophy of Sarvelpalli Radhakarishnan/ Ed. S.S.Ra,a Rao Pappu / US$ 50.00

*Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought/ Ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames / US$. 16.00

*Neo Platonism and Indian Thought/ Ed. R. Baine Harris / US$. 18.33

*Non-Violence to Animals, Earth and Self in Asian Tradition/ Christopher K. Chapple / US$. 15.00

Nyaya Philosophy of Language/ John Vattanky / US$. 40.00

Nyayakumudacandra of Prabhacandracarya Comm. on Bhattakalankadeva's / US$. 46.67

Nyayamanjari of Jayant Bhatta. Ahnika.I./ Trans. V.N. Jha / US$. 15.00

Nyayasiddhanta Manjari with Comm. Nilakantha Diksita's Dipikatarkaprakasa/ Gauri Nath Sastri / US$. 20.00

*On Being and What There is/ Wilhelm Halbfass / US$. 16.67

Oriental & Linguistic Essays/ W.D. Whitney, 2 Vols. / US$. 40.00

Pancavimsa Brahmana-The Brahmana of Twenty Five Chapters/ English Trans. by W. Caland / US$. 33.33

Perspectives on History and Culture: Essays in Honour of Professor D.P. Singhal/ Ed. Arvind Sharma / US$.26.67

Philosophy of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi/ Nagesh D. Sonde / US$. 6.67

Philosophy of Religion in Hindu Thought/ Trans. and Ed. by Ananda Amaladass / US$. 10.00

*Pluralism/ Harold G. Coward / US$. 0.00

Post-Sankaradeva Vaisnava Faith & Culture of Assam/ K.D. Goswami / US$. 10.00

*Praises to a Formless God-Nirguni Texts from North India/ David N. Lorenzen / 1997 US$. 26.67

Prameyakamala-Martanda-Comm. on Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra/ Ed. M.K. Shastri / US$. 33.33

Pre-Paninian Grammatical Traditions Part I-A Linguistic Analysis of the Rgveda-Padapatha/ V.N. Jha / US$. 20.00

Pre-Paninian Grammatical Traditions. Part II - A Grammatical Analysis of Taittirya-Padapatha/ Nirmala R. Kulkarni / US$. 24.00

*Purana Perennis-Reciprocity and Transformation in Hindu and Jaina Texts/ Ed. Wendy Doniger / US$. 20.00

Relations in Indian Philosophy/ Ed. V.N. Jha / US$. 13.33

Relations in Knowledge Representation: Studies in Nyaya, Mimamsa, Vyakarna, Tantra, Modern LIngistics and Artificial Intelligence in Computer Application/ K.C. Dash / US$. 20.00

*Religion and Practical Reason/ F.E. Reynolds / 1997 US$. 36.67

Religions and Comparative Thought-Essays in Honour of the Late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi-Watson/ Ed. Purusottama Bilimoria & Peter Fenner / US$. 33.33

*Religious Pluralism and Truth/ Thomas Dean / 1997 US$. 26.67

Report on the Inscriptions/ Sadhu Subrahmanya Sastri / US$. 40.00

*Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism: Studies in Honor of Andre Padoux/ Ed. T. Goudrian / US$. 16.67

Role of Space Time in Jaina's Syadavada & Quantum Theory/ Filita Bharucha / US$. 8.00

*Rules and Regulations of Brahmanical Asceticism/ Patrick Olivile / US$. 40.00

Sabda Pramana-An Epistemological Analysis/ R.I. Ingalalli / US$. 0.00*

*Sacred Word and Sacred Text-Scripture in World Religions/ Harold Coward / US$. 13.33

Sadholal Lectures on Nyaya/ Ganganath Jha / US$. 15.00

Sankhayana Grihya Sutra/ Ed. S.R. Sehgal, 2nd Rev. Ed. / US$. 20.00

Sanskrit & Related Studies-Contemporary Researches and Reflections/ B.K. Matilal and Purusottama Bilimoria / US$. 16.67

Sanskrit-English Dictionary/ M. William (Compact Edition) / US$. 26.67

Sarada Tilaka Tantram/ Eng. Trans. by a Board of Scholars / US$. 13.33

*Shaiva Devotional Songs of Kashmir-A Trans. and Study of Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali/ C.R. Bailly / US$. 10.00

*Shankara and Indian Philosophy/ Natalia Isayeva / US$. 18.00

Slokavartika/ Translated from the Original Sanskrit with Extract from the Commentaries Kasika of Sucarita Misra and Nyayaranakara of Parthasarthi Misra. Translated by Ganganath Jha. / US$. 33.33

Some Issues in Nyaya, Miminsa and Dharmsastra/ Ujjwala Panse / US$. 12.00

*Songs of Kabir from the Adi Granth/ Trans. Nirmal Dass / US$. 14.67

Sri Chakras: Text and Plates/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao / US$. 5.00

Sri Saraswati in Indian Art and Literature/ Niranjan Ghosh / US$. 16.67

Sriman Mahabharatam-According to Southern Recensions/ Ed. by T.R. Krishnamacharya and T.R. Vayasacharya; Preface by Professor J.W. de Jong, 8 Vols. / US$. 200.00

Studies in Eastern Religions/ Alfred S. Geden / US$. 13.33

Studies in Post Sankara Dialectics/ Ashutosh Bhattacharya / US$. 13.33

Studies in South Indian Jainism/ M.S. Ramaswami Ayyagngar and B. Seshagiri Rao, 2 Vols. / US$. 20.00

Studies on Indology (Prof. Mukunda Madhava Sharma Felicitation Volume)/ Ed. Prof. Ashok Kumar Goswami & Dr. Dharmeswar Chutia / US$. 60.00

Tadatmya Sambandha-A Study in Relation of Identity/ R.I. Inglaii / US$. 6.67

*Tapta Marga-Asceticism and Initiation in Vedic India/ W.O. Kaelber / US$. 10.00

The Brihat Samhita/ Translated into English by N.C. Iyer / US$. 16.67

The Concept of Upasana: Worship in Sanskrit Literature/ Dr. Rajani Patki / US$. 30.00

*The Experience of Hinduism-Essays on Religion in Maharashtra/ Ed. Eleanor Zilliot and Bernestein / US$. 16.00

The Gita: A Philosophy in Human Action/ S.S. More / US$. 10.00

*The Goddesses' Mirror: Visions of the Divine from East and West/ David Kinsley / US$. 20.00

*The Iconography of Ritual of Shiva at Elephanta/ Charles D. Collins / US$. 16.67

The Imitation of Sankara/ M.N. Dwivedi / US$. 6.67

The Kavyalankara Sutras of Vamana/ Trans. Ganganath Jha / US$. 9.33

The Khandanakhandakhadya of Sri Harsha/ Trans. Ganganath Jha, 2 Vols. / US$. 40.00

*The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi/Antonio Rigopoulos/ US$ 18.00

*The Light of Consciousness-Explortions in Transpersonal Psychology/ Richerd D. Mann / US$. 12.00

*The Limits of Scripture-Vivekananda's Reinterpretation of the Vedas/ Anantanand Rambachan / US$. 18.00

The Logic of the Intermediate Causal Link/ V.N. Jha / US$. 6.67

The Manava Srautasutra belonging to the Maitrayani Samhita/ Ed. & Trans. by J.M. Van Gelder with corrections and emendations by Dr. C.G. Kashikar / (2 Vol.) US$. 53.33

The Mantrapatha or the Prayer Book of the Apastambin/ Ed. Maurice Winteritz / US$. 16.67

*The Master Revealed/ K. Paul Johnson / 1997 US$. 26.67

The Mimansa-Nyaya prakash of Apadeva/ Trans. Francklin Edgerton / US$. 13.33

*The Myths of Narasimha and Vamana-Two Avatars of Cosmological Perspective/ Deborah A. Soifer / US$. 19.33

The Naiskarmaya Siddhi of Suresvara-A Monograph/ John Grimes / US$. 16.67

The Nyayasutras with Vatsyayana Bhasya/ Ed. Gangadhar Sastri Tailanga / US$. 13.33

The Other Side of Death- Upanisadic Eschatology/ William A. Borman/ US$ 6.67

The Philosophy of Vedanta/ Radhey Shyama Kaushal / US$. 15.00

The Prasastapada Bhasya with comm. Nyayakandali of Sridhara/ Ed. Vindhyeshwari Prasad Dvivedin / In Press US$. 0.00

*The Question of Being: East West Perspectives/ Mervyn Spring / US$. 12.00

*The Rise of the Goddies in the Hindu Tradition/ Tracy Pintchman / 1997 US$. 30.00

*The Ritual of Battle-Krishna in the Mahabharata/ A. Hiltebeitel / US$. 10.67

The Sankhya Philosophy/ S.G.M. Weershighe / US$. 20.00

The Sanskrit Theatre and Stagecraft/ E.W. Marasinghe / US$. 30.00

The Shiva Sutra Vimarsini/ Tr. P.T.S. Iyengar / US$. 8.00

*The Triadic Heart of Shiva/ Paul Eduardo Muller Ortega / 1997 US$. 30.00

*The Triumph of the Goddess-The Canonical Models and Theological visions of the Devi-Bhagavata Purana/ C. Mackenzie Brown / US$. 19.33

The Unknown Pilgrims History, Life and Spirituality of the Jaina Women Ascetics/ N. Shanta / 1997 US$. 0.00

The Vakyapadiyam of Bhartrhari: Brahmakanda/ Eng. Trans. K. Subrahmanyam / US$. 9.33

The Vakyarthamatraka of Salikanatha Misra with His Own Vrtti/ Trans. Rajendra Nath Sarma / US$. 6.67

The Valmiki Ramayana-According to Southern Recensions/ Ed. T.R. Krishnacharya (2 Vols.) / US$. 33.33

The Vedanta Doctrine of Sri Sankaracharya/ A. Mahadeva Sastri / US$. 13.33

*The Vedic Origins of Karma: Cosmos as man in Ancient Indian Myth and Ritual/ Herman W. Tull / US$. 10.00

The Vidhi Viveka of Mandana Misra/K.Natarajan,/ US$ 15.oo

The Vidura-Gita-Text & Eng. Trans./ V. Leela Devi / US$. 10.00

The Vivarnaprameyasangrha/ Tr. G. Thibaut / US$. 20.00

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali An Analysis of the Sanskrit with Accompanying English Translation/ Christopher Chappel and Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly Jr.) / US$. 10.00

*Theology after Vedanta- An Experiment in Comparative Theology/Francis X. Clooney S>J. / US$ 16.00

Time in Indian Philosophy/ Ed. H.S. Prasad / US$. 50.00

*Tradition and Reflection-Explorations in Indian thought/ Wilhelm Halbfass / US$. 16.67

*Transformative Philosophy-A Study of Sankara, Fichte and Heidegger/ John A. Taber / US$. 11.67

Tukaram- The Poet Saint of Maharastra: Tran. from Mahipati's Bhaktililamrta/Justin E. Abbot/ US$ 20.00

Upanishad Vakya Mahakosh/ S. Shambu Gajanan Sadhale, 2 Vols. / US$. 40.00

*Vac-The Concepts of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras/ Andre Padoux Trans. By Jacques Gontier / US$. 20.00

Vaiyakaranabhusana/ V.N. Jha Vol. I. (Eng. Trans.) / 1997 US$. 0.00

Various Interpretation of the Rbhu-hymns in the Rgveda/ G.V. Davane / US$. 15.00

*Veda & Torah. Transcending the Textuality of Scripture/ Barbara A. Holdridge / 1997 US$. 40.00

Vedantakalpalatika-A Critical Study/ V. Sishupala Panicker / US$. 20.00

Vedic Gods & Some Hymns/ V. Leela Devi / US$. 6.67

Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimamsa/ R.N. Sarma / US$. 13.33

Vidya-Vratin: Prof. A.M. Ghatage Felicitation Volume/ Ed. V.N. Jha / US$. 20.00

Vishnu Samhita-Text/ Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri / US$. 13.33

Vitalistic Thought in Ancient India/ Peter Connolly / US$. 12.00

*World Religions & Human Liberation/ Ed. Dan Cohn-Sherbok / US$. 15.00

Yantras-Text and Plates/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao / US$. 5.00

Yoga-A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists/ J.F.C. Fuller / US$. 10.0



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