Mahasanti Books
Books on Buddhism : Tibetan,Theravada, Zen, Chinese, Comparative
Ten Suttas from Digha Nikaya : Long Discourses of the Buddha/ US$ 50.00
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Vipassana : A Universal Buddhist Technique of Meditation/D. C. Ahir, US$14.00
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A Pali English Dictionary , US$ 20.00
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A Grammar of the Tibetan Language/ H.B. Hannah / US$. 10.00
A Panorama of Indian Buddhism, (Selections From the Maha Bodhi Journal 1892-1992)/ Ed. D.C. Ahir / US$. 20.00
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A Tibetan-English Dictionary/ Sarat Chandra Das, (Compact Edition) / US$. 10.00
A Treatise on Buddhist Philosophy of Abhidamma/ C.L. de Silva / US$. 13.33
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Analysis of Kanjur/ Alexander Csoma de Koros, Preface by Professor, J.W. De Jong / US$. 20.00
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Aryamanjusrimulakalpa/ Ed. T. Ganapati Sastri (3 Vols.) / US$. 45.00
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Buddhism in South India/ D.C. Ahir / US$. 13.33
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Buddhist Concepts: Old and New/ Ed. Buddhadasa P. Kirthesinghe / US$. 10.00
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Buddhist Literature in China/ Samuel Beal / US$. 13.33
Buddhist Sociology/ N. Ratnapala / US$. 15.00
Buddhist Symbolism of Wish-fullfilment/ S.G. Senadeera / US$. 33.33
Buddhist Theory of Causality & Einstein's Theory of Relativity/ Filita Bharucha / US$. 20.00
Carrying Enemies on Your Shoulder: Indian Folk Wisdom in Tibet/ Hugh Meredith Flick. Jr. / US$. 15.00
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Conversational English-Tibetan Dictionary/ Anil Gupta / US$. 6.67
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Dharma and Gospel: Two Ways of Seeing/ G.W. Houston / US$. 0.00
DzongChen Meditation/ Gareth Sparham / US$. 10.00
Eastern Monachism-Account of the Origin, Laws, Discipline, Sacred Writings, Mysterious Rites, Religious Ceremonies, and Present Circumstances of the Order of Mendicants founded by Gautama Buddha/ R. Spence Hardy / US$. 26.67
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Essays on Time in Buddhism/ Ed. H.S. Prasad / US$. 50.00
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Folklores in Buddhist & Jaina Literature/ S.C. Banerjee / US$. 10.00
Further Dialogues of Buddha/ Lord Chalmers, 2 Vols. / US$. 40.00
Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts/ Raghuvira and Lokesh Chandra, 3 Vols. / US$. 500.00
Gilgit Manuscripts/ Nalinaksha Dutta, 4 Vols. in 9 parts / US$. 200.00
Guide to Tipitaka/ Comp. U. KO LAY / US$. 10.00
Himalayan Buddhism: Past and Present/ D.C. Ahir / US$. 15.00
Hinduism and Buddhism/ Charles Elliot, 3 Vols. / US$. 45.00
*Historical Dictionary of Buddhism/ Charles S. Prebish / US$. 20.00
New*H How Master Mou Removes our Doubts/ John P. Keenan / 1997 / US$. 23.33
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*In the Mirror of Memory: Reflections on Mindfulness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism/ Janet Gyatso / US$. 20.00
Indian Studies-Selected Papers of Gustav Roth/ Ed. Heinz Bechert / US$. 66.67
Indian Studies: Volume in Honour of Edward James Rapson/ Ed. J. Bloch, J. Charpenter and R.L. Tuner / US$. 16.67
Indological and Buddhist Studies: Volume in Honour of Professor J.W. de Jong/ L.A. Hercus etal / US$. 37.33
Inference and Fallacies As Discussed in Ancient Indian Logic/ Pradeep P. Gokhale / US$. 23.33
Insights into Buddhism/ Ed. S.K. Gupta / US$. 10.00
Jataka Mala or a Garland of Birth Stories/ Marie Musaeus Higgins / US$. 13.33
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Kaccayana's Pali Grammar with Chrestomathy & Vocabulary/ Francis Massion / US$. 10.00
Kalyana-mitta: Professor Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume/ Ed. V.N. Jha / US$. 50.00
Khanda Samyutta/ English Translation / US$. 31.67
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Madhyanta-Vibhanga/ Trans. Th. Stchebatsky / US$. 8.00
Magadhan Literature/ Haraprasad Sastry / US$. 10.00
Mahavyutpatti/ Ed. I.P. Minayev / US$. 14.67
Mahayanasutralankara-A Study in Vijnanavada Buddhism/ Y.S. Sastri / US$. 10.00
Mahyanasutralankara by Asanga/ Text, Eng. Trans. Surekha V. Limaye / US$. 50.00
Manuscripts Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkistan-Facsimiles With Transcipts & Notes/ Ed. A.F. Rudolf-Hoernle. 2 Parts with 22 plates / US$. 40.00+*
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*Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General System Theory/ Joanna Macy / US$. 20.00
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Nidana Samyutta/ English Translation / US$. 15.00
Nyayapravesa of Dignaga/ Ed. A.B. Dhruva / US$. 16.67
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On the Chronicles of Ceylon/ B.C. Law / US$. 6.67
*Path of the Middle: Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet/ Anne Carolyn Klein / US$. 20.00
Perspectives on Indian Religions: Papers in Honour of Karel Werner/ Ed. Peter Connolly / US$. 26.67
Philosophy, Grammar and Indololgy: Prof. Gustav Roth Felicitation Volume/ Ed. H.S. Prasad / US$. 60.00
Prajna-Paramita-Ratna-Guna-Samcaya-Gatha/ Sanskrit and Tibetan Text, Ed. E. Obermiller / US$. 7.33
Prakrit Dhammapada/ B.M. Barua / US$. 13.33
*Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism / US$. 21.00
Ratnakirti's Udayananirakaranam Deciphered and Critically Ed. R.N. Pandey / US$. 8.00
Rupavatara of Dharmakirti/ K.S. Lalitambal / US$. 23.00
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Samgharakkita's Vuttodaya: A Study of Pali Metre/ Pali Text, Translated into English by R. Siddartha Preface by Prof. J.W. De Jong / US$. 6.00
Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/ Alexander Csoma de Koros, Revised by Anil Gupta Vol. I. / US$. 26.67
Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary/ Alexander Csoma, de Koros, Vol. II / US$. 26.67
Santana and Santanantara: An Analysis of the Buddhist Perspective Concerning Continuity, Transformation and Transcendence and the Basis of an Alternative Philosophical Psychology/ Mangala R. Chinchore / US$. 33.33
*Secrets of the Lotus/ Donald K. Swearer / 1997 / US$. 0.00
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The Bimbamana: The Buddhist Iconometry/ E.W. Marasinghe / US$. 8.00
The Buddha Mimamsa-The Buddha's Relation to Vedic Religion/ Ed. Swami Maharaja Yogiraja of Bodha Gaya / US$. 13.33
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The Buddhist Diet Book/ L.C. Holloway / US$. 4.00
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The Central Conception of Buddhism/ Th. Stcherbatsky / US$. 4.67
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The Citrakarmasastra ascribed to Manjusri/ E.W. Marasinghe, Vol. II / US$. 23.33
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The Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas and Pali Nikayas/ Chizen Akanuma / US$. 26.67
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The Four Ordinary Foundations of Buddhist Practice/ Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche / US$. 8.00
The Framework of Nagarjuna's Philosophy/ A.M. Pandhye / US$. 13.33
*The Heart Sutra Explained-Indian and Tibetan Commentaries/ Donald S. Lopex. Jr. / US$. 10.00
The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet/ E. Obermiller / US$. 13.33
The History of Buddhism in Medieval Sri Lanka/ H.B.M. Ilangasinghe / US$. 23.33
The History of the Buddha's Religion (Sasanavamsa)/ Trans. B.C. Law / US$. 13.33
The Imitation of Buddha/ Emest M. Bowden / US$. 6.67
The Jewellery of Scriptures of Bu-Ston/ E. Obermiller / US$. 13.33
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The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists Compared with History & Science/ R. Spence Hardy / US$. 20.00
The Mahasudarasanavadana and the Mahasudarsansutra/ Hisashi Matsumura / US$. 33.33
The Manuals of Buddhism/ Ledi Sayadaw / 1997 / US$. 0.00
The Mission of Wong Hiuen-Tse's in India/ B.C. Law / US$. 5.00
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The Philosophy of Relations/ V.N. Jha / US$. 5.33
The Pioneers of Buddhist Revival in India/ D.C. Ahir / US$. 8.00
*The Principles of Buddhist Psychology/ David J. Kalupahana / US$. 15.00
*The Sovereign All Creating Mind-the motherly Buddha/ S. Dargay Neumair / US$. 16.67
The Status of the Laity in Buddhism/ D.C. Ahir / US$. 10.00
The Sutta Nipata/ Ed. P.V. Bapat / US$. 13.33
The Three Vehicles of Buddhist Practice by the Ven. Khenchen Thrangu, Rinpoche, Geshe, Rabjam & Abbot of Rumtek Monastery/ Trans. Ken Holmes / US$. 10.00
The Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature/ Trans. Ken and Katia Holmes / US$. 10.00
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The Way to Nirvana: Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation/ L. Pousin Vallee / US$. 6.67
The Word Index of Abhidharma Kosha/ Comp. S. Pradhan / US$. 20.00
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Tibetan Buddhist Historical Glossary/ S.C. Das / US$. 6.67
Tibetan Grammar/ H.A. Jaschke / US$. 6.67
Tibetan Tales-Derived from Indian Sources. Translated from the Tibetan of Kah-Gyur in German by F. Anto Von Schiefner, & from German into English by C.A.F. Rhys Davids / US$. 20.00
*Tibetan-English Dictionary/ Stuart H. Buck / 1997 / US$. 0.00
Twenty-Five Suttas From Mulapannasa / US$. 20.00
Twenty-Five Suttas From Uparippanasa/ / US$. 20.00
Twenty-Five Suttas from majjhimapannasa/ / US$. 20.00
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Vadanyaya-The Logic of Debate/ Sanskrit Text and Tr. Pradeep P. Gokhale / US$. 20.00
Vadanyaya: The Nyaya-Buddhidst Controversy/ Mangla R. Chinchore / US$. 10.00
Vastuvidyasastra ascribed to Manjusri/ Text with Translation by E.W. Marasinghe, Vol. I / US$. 20.00
When Did the Buddha Live? - The Controversy on the Dating of the Historical Buddha/ Ed. Heinz Bechert / US$. 80.00
*Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained: Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet/ H.V. Guenther / US$. 16.00
* for sale in India only